
Chainlink CCIP is the most secure bridging technology so far; with extra safety mechanisms that go further than other cross-chain tech, such as customizable rate limits on transfers and a separate Risk Management Network that monitors validity of transactions.

Core pillars of our product

  • Secure

    Singularity is directly built upon CCIP. This powers the bridge transactions on our website, and these bridge transactions can be tracked on the CCIP explorer (https://ccip.chain.link/).

  • Cost efficient

    Our contract optimizes the payments for the CCIP service. We hold LINK and pay every transaction in LINK tokens and thus get a discount on fees, so we ensure you get the best fee for every transaction independent whether you own LINK or not. On top of that, we charge a small fee for using our front-end. We are very transparant with fees and everything is broken down in the UX.

  • Compatibility

    Any blockchain or ERC-20 support added by Chainlink CCIP will automatically be integrated and supported on the Singularity Bridge

Features Coming Soon

  • Gas Refuels

  • Cross-Chain swaps (we have decided to not support these at the moment), because bridging ETH for instance would require ETH -> USDC on source chain, then send to CCIP Router, and then swap USDC->ETH on destination chain. The total fees/slippage for this transaction will not make it attractive compared to other bridges. When ETH is supported on CCIP, we will reconsider this.

Last updated