💰Fee Structure

There are two types of fees on the Singularity bridge.

  • CCIP Fee: Using the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol from Chainlink labs will incur fees. These fees are set by Chainlink, and cover the gas costs for the transactions on the destination chain to be executed. As such, they depend on the target chain, and fluctuate with gas prices. More on CCIP billing can be found here: https://docs.chain.link/ccip/billing The CCIP fees in our contracts are optimized to get you the lowest rate. We do this by always paying the fees in LINK, while you as the user can pay the fee in the native gas token on the source chain (such as ETH, AVAX, MATIC).

  • Singularity Fee: To fund Singularity development, we also have a small percentage charge of 0.25% per bridge transaction. However there is a cap on the Singularity fee which is: 0,0027 ETH 0,18 AVAX 8,5 MATIC Meaning that larger transfers are relatively cheaper.

Last updated