Welcome to Singularity Bridge

After $2.6B of bridge hacks in 2022 and the MultiChain incident in 2023, we felt the time is now to build the most secure consumer bridge out there. We want to focus on security, while simultaneously having a great UX, so crypto users have a safe place they can trust for their cross-chain asset transfers.

Our team visiting the CCIP launch event of Chainlink Labs during the ETHCC Conference in Paris August 2023, inspired us to use this new bridge technology to build something better.

The Singularity team are long-time Link marines and also have worked at various crypto companies and been entrepreneurs in the crypto space. We value the security-first mindset of the Chainlink Labs team.

Singularity is entirely bootstrapped using our own money. We are still thinking about the future of Singularity bridge and how that could look like, also in terms of decentralization.

All feedback is much appreciated and really valuable for us to improve the product in the coming months.

Go to overview to learn more about Singularity Bridge

Last updated